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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 20, Issue 4, pp. 839-1098

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An Efficient Algorithm for a Bounded Errors-in-Variables Model

S. Chandrasekaran, G. H. Golub, M. Gu, and A. H. Sayed

pp. 839-859

Cutpoint Decoupling and First Passage Times for Random Walks on Graphs

Stephen J. Kirkland and Michael Neumann

pp. 860-870

Partial Orders and the Matrix R in Matrix Analytic Methods

Qi-Ming He

pp. 871-885


Introduction to the Special Section on Sparse and Structured Matrices and Their Applications

Esmond G. Ng and Daniel J. Pierce

p. 887

The Design and Use of Algorithms for Permuting Large Entries to the Diagonal of Sparse Matrices

Iain S. Duff and Jacko Koster

pp. 889-901

Performance of Greedy Ordering Heuristics for Sparse Cholesky Factorization

Esmond G. Ng and Padma Raghavan

pp. 902-914

An Asynchronous Parallel Supernodal Algorithm for Sparse Gaussian Elimination

James W. Demmel, John R. Gilbert, and Xiaoye S. Li

pp. 915-952

An Object-Oriented Approach to the Design of a User Interface for a Sparse Matrix Package

Alan George and Joseph Liu

pp. 953-969

Toward an Effective Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner

Wei-Pai Tang

pp. 970-986

Scalable Parallel Preconditioning with the Sparse Approximate Inverse of Triangular Matrices

Arno C. N. van Duin

pp. 987-1006

Matrix Renumbering ILU: An Effective Algebraic Multilevel ILU Preconditioner for Sparse Matrices

E. F. F. Botta and F. W. Wubs

pp. 1007-1026

Sparse Matrix Computations Arising in Distributed Parameter Identification

Curtis R. Vogel

pp. 1027-1037

Block Stationary Methods for Nonsymmetric Cyclically Reduced Systems Arising from Three-Dimensional Elliptic Equations

Chen Greif and James Varah

pp. 1038-1059

ABLE: An Adaptive Block Lanczos Method for Non-Hermitian Eigenvalue Problems

Zhaojun Bai, David Day, and Qiang Ye

pp. 1060-1082

The BR Eigenvalue Algorithm

G. A. Geist, G. W. Howell, and D. S. Watkins

pp. 1083-1098